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Coaching Method

I am a certified WISDOM Coach™ and use the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids™

“All programs are based on a proven coaching model called The WISDOM System for Coaching Kids™. What makes this model so powerful is that I use storytelling and experiences to help children develop powerful mindset skills for transformation”

In addition, to help reinforce these skills, I use critical thinking questions, engaging discussions, role-play, music, fun activities, and incorporate activities to build Emotional Intelligence.

 The WISDOM System for Coaching Children consists of 5 programs that teach children 27 powerful mindset skills  so they can create happiness, confidence, and success in their lives.

Boy's Portrait

MindPower™ Program

W – Wire your mind for happiness, confidence, and success in life.

Children learn to develop an empowered way of thinking. They learn that their thoughts create their lives and that they have the power to choose their thoughts and they learn the brain science behind it.

Art Students

InnerPower™ Program

I – Identify who you want to be and what you want for your life

Children learn to develop their inner compass – their inner guidance system for who they want to be in the world.


They develop core values of self-leaders (self-responsibility, integrity, respect, and self-respect) and learn how to say no to peer pressure and yes to themselves.

Smiling Asian girl looking at the camera

MePower™ Program

S – See your inner superstar and shine.

Children learn to develop powerful self-esteem and strong self-confidence from the inside out! Kids learn to feel great about themselves no matter who they are with or what is going on in their lives AND how to believe in themselves, even when things don’t go their way.

Feeling Blessed

DreamPower™ Program

D – Dream big, live with purpose and make it happen.

DreamPower helps kids learn how to create a vision for their lives so they live life with intention versus drifting through life.


They learn how to use goal setting to turn their vision into action and how to use the Law of Attraction tools of Visualization, Affirmations, and Gratitude to “program” their mind for success.


With DreamPower kids learn how to make their dreams come true.

Teenager Portrait

SlayingDragons™ Program

OM – Overcome obstacles and Manage the ups and downs of growing up.

Slaying Dragons helps kids handle the “tough stuff” and build resilience.


They learn how to move through fear and “go for it” in life. They learn how to manage mistakes, disappointments, and failures so they don’t get down on themselves or give up on themselves.


They learn how to manage and embrace change so that fear of the unknown doesn’t hold them back in life and they learn how to avoid conditional thinking and go for their dreams.

Coaching Programs

For 6-13 years

(Contact for teens older than 13)

This is an in-depth 10-session program, personalized based on your child’s area of need.

The program uses The WISDOM System for Coaching Kids™.

For 6-13 years

(Contact for teens older than 13)

These sessions are empowering, fun, and engaging!

Through a blend of storytelling, critical thinking, discussion, experiential activities and so much more, children embark on a profound exploration of 27 powerful mindset skills.

1:1 program
For 6-13 years

(Contact for teens older than 13)


From building resilience to fostering positive self-talk and confidence, this program empowers children to navigate life's challenges with courage and clarity.


In this program, Children collaborate with each other, encourage one another, and also learn that other children have similar challenges and are motivated to learn strategies that will help them to be more confident, happy, and successful in life.

What makes this model so powerful is that I use storytelling and experiences to help children develop powerful mindset skills to achieve positive self-esteem, confidence, build resilience, overcome mistakes, dream big, navigate life’s challenges and so much more!

Programs available in this category are:​​​

MindPower™ Program

5 Sessions

How to wire your mind for happiness, confidence and success in life.

MePower™ Program

5 Sessions

How to Build Soaring Self-esteem from the Inside Out

SlayingDragons™ Program

6 Sessions 

Building resilience - How to bust through Fear, Mistakes, Disappointments, and Change and Thrive!

InnerPower™ Program:

6 Sessions

How to Develop Your Inner Compass, Make Good Decisions, and Stand Up to Peer Pressure! 

DreamPower™ Program

6 Sessions

How to Make Your Dreams Come True Without the Fairy!

Confident Child™  Program

6 Sessions

How to develop powerful self-confidence

Email me with 'CONFIDENT CHILD' and I'll ask a few questions to get to know your child's needs and then we'll book a chat. 

Group Coaching
Group Coaching


The 1:1 coaching sessions are fun and interactive!


They are also powerful and empowering because it utilizes; storytelling, focused discussion, critical thinking, experiential activities, review, and practice of previous skills. 


They provide a safe space for your child to freely discuss and share their challenges. 


Additionally, they learn new strategies to help them attain

  • positive self-talk,

  • self-esteem and

  • confidence. 

  • Overcome mistakes,

  • manage the ups and downs of life,

  • disable limiting beliefs and inner fears,

  • build resilience,

  • be more joyful,

  • learn how to set goals and


so much more, so they can embrace who they are and what they can be which are skills that will serve them throughout their lives.

Email me with 'CONFIDENT CHILD' and I'll ask a few questions to get to know your child's needs and then we'll book a chat. 


Kids Reading Book in Park

When you do the work in THE CONFIDENT CHILD program, your child:

  • Becomes more Confident

  • Speaks positively

  • Will be less anxious

  • Will have positive self-esteem

  • Will handle peer pressure effectively

  • Strive in an uncertain world

  • Will acquire strategies and skills that hold lasting value throughout their lives.

Upcoming Program

Conflict Resolution & Emotional Intelligence Program

This program focuses on teaching children how to handle conflict appropriately and confidently and process their emotions constructively so that they learn to be more resilient, compassionate, and confident.


**This program will be rolled out later in the near future.**

Email me with 'CONFIDENT CHILD' and I'll ask a few questions to get to know your child's needs and then we'll book a chat. 


